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About me

- Student and administrative tutor of the master's degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge at the University of Bologna

- Researcher for Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Aldo Moro

I have an academic background related to the Visual Arts, with a master's thesis in history of medieval illuminations. During 2022 I became curious about the world of Digital Humanities and realized that I wanted to delve deeper into this field and look for the most interesting connections with my background as an art historian. I am particularly interested in Long Term Data Preservation, data acquisition and the use of AI in the world of images.

Parallel to my academic career, since 2016 I have been working in the field of independent cinema as a screenwriter, assistant director and producer. I am co-founder of the independent production company Alba Nera Production with which I create original audiovisual products and produce SFX-VFX for third parties.

My projects