title GIF

Music and Maps Magazine

1500 - Gaga


The purpose of this web site is to explore various types of typographic and layout style for text documents, as an end-of-course project for the "Information Modeling and Web technologies" course of the Master Degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge of the University of Bologna, under prof. Fabio Vitali.

This work is distributed with the license Creative Commons - 3.0 Unported.

The magazine

The Music and Maps magazine gathers the most interesting web articles about music in all its forms. Our first three issues delve into Music and Technology, Music and Contexts, and Music and Fashion. Explore our articles, playing with the six available styles, and immerse yourself in reading by choosing the perfect soundtrack for you. For each article, you can explore its metadata and view, on a colorful interactive map, the places mentioned within it.

How it works

Travel through time with articles available in six different historical styles. Imagine choosing your preferred era, from the Renaissance to the Space Future. Enhance your experience with a music interactive vinyl, curating the perfect soundtrack for your historical immersion. Enjoy a brief, immersive journey through history and time!

Card Image 1
Erica Andreose

Styles: 1500 - 2000

Issue: Music and Technology

Card Image 2
Gaia Ortona

Styles: 1930 - 2030

Issue: Music and Fashion

Card Image 3
Chiara Parravicini

Styles: 1800 - 1970

Issue: Music and Contexts